
Do you have what it takes??

This post is for my new kids. I know that we started this process a few months ago, and that for some of you the decision is already made. «Yes, this is the job for me», you probably tell yourself. You are young and there is time to change your mind (that is what you are thinking).

Okay, without sounding like your father, let me give you a few small advises. These advises come from the guy that will help you reach this goal. The goal of becoming a great cook (chef will come later for the very motivated ones). Just as a comment: you can be a good cook without going through the painful process of the training program. Yes, it will be painful. Not physically, unfortunately, by law I cannot hurt you, but mentally. Think of some of the not so good traits of your personality: mumbling to yourself when things dont go your way; walking away from challenging situation; closing yourself to constructive criticism; not giving your all in every situation; missing a lot of class just because you feel like it. My job is going to help you get rid of any obstacle that could come in your way.

I know for a fact that not all of you will reach the level of great chefs like Paul Bocuse, Eric Ripert, Martin Picard or Tom Colicchio, but some of you have the potential to get there. Sometimes it is only a question of timing and obviously talent. Do you have talent? Every body have talent, not always in what we want to do. Some of our talents reside in other things then what we have in mind.

Here goes, my 10 personnal advise to better yourself in the process of being a great cook:
1) Be curious about all foods and techniques;
2) Read everything you can get your hand on about food;
3) Try to cook every meal around you (at home, at friends, at work(;
4) When a recipe does not turn perfect the first time, try it again, and again;
5) When a recipe does not turn perfect the first time and again, try to figure out what went wrong;
6) Respect every ingredients you use in your food, from salt to water, they all serve a purpose;
7) When meeting a chef*, ask questions;
8) When meeting a cook**, observe well;
9) Become as nimble with your tools as any rock star is with his instrument;
and 10) Eat evrything and anything, even if you think the food looks gross (there is no such things...).

Over and above these 10 points that will not necessarily make you a professionnal, the difference is: COMMITMENT.


** A cook is anybody that make, create or prepare food for someone else or for themself. They are your grand-mother or grand-father, your parents, your friends, the guy that prepare the burger at your favorite joint, etc,..

* A chef is someone that has succeeded in his work, that leads people by examples and is determined to be the best all the time, wether he knows it or not.


Lighting the fire with a barbecue

This past week I had the opportunity to attend a food fair with my students. We all had to work under crazy conditions, but the sun was not the only thing that was shining that day, my guys smile and professionnal attitude were also present. Imagine working at 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Farenheit), about 90% humidity, on dark asphalt and with no cover over our heads. As if this was not enough, we also where standing in from of blazing barbecues. Harsh conditions I will agree, but with a little motivation anything is possible and the feeling of achievement is amazing.

Most of them spent 30 hours under a sun of steel and none of them complained. Their job at that fair was to show people how to use a barbecue properly and how to cook better meats, fish and vegetables. All of my kids did great and I can proudly say that today, like the though papa bird that kicks his little out of the nest and hope that they don't end up flat on the ground bellow, that they will do well, that they will grow to become great cooks and maybe chefs.

This is the beginning of this blog, but the end of the my ride with these guys. A gang of newbies are coming on board soon and I would like to invite you the reader to come and witness the birth of the next bunch of amazing girls and guys that I have the honor to train. Will it be always fun? I doubt it. Will it be hell? Sometimes. Will I enjoy myself? Definitely.

Good success to all of you that are leaving me today to start a new carreer and may that fire that burns inside you never goes off. You all know that I am not going to say good luck, because it has nothing to do with how well you will do in your carreer, only hard work and passion will get you there. I might miss you.